Menzies In One Room

Menzies In One Room

What should be done to reduce the impact on our cost of living & lives in Menzies, as we move away from fossil fuels? Share your ideas below!


STORAGE solved; Pumped Hydro; gravity, turbine=KW

Power Newcastle after Dark with PV power ex EUCLA, Nullarbor

NZ PV can power NSW, Before sun rise Aus, for am PEAK demand

FLOATING Solar PV stays COOL near WATER & retains efficiency

France & electricity, Solar car parks

Save big $ by Wholesale purchase of KW; retailer optional.

Battery Electric Car savings & incentives - stamp duty

Renewable ENERGY on WHEELS, SUNTRAIN; off the shelf tech

Battery incentives

Use non productive land for renewabled

Example Idea (Add a short title for your idea)

Energy Storage and Generation Using Hydrogen as a carrier

Sun powers Concentrated Solar Power Station,

Neighbourhood Batteries needed in Menzies urgently, STORAGE

Harness the sun and light up the night- bus stops- etc

Agrivoltaics; Sheep enjoy shade on Solar Farms in the heat.

Batteries needed to STORE PV solar, discharge KW at Night

POLE mounted CHARGERS for electric cars, AWOL in Menzies

if you want us to have Solar, support battery purchases

Install solar along train lines

PV rooftop solar houses can earn $ from VPP.

Place some of your rooftop panels to face East & some West.

NUCLEAR Power Not Ready until 2040. ONLY SIX PROBLEMS!

Our MP could facilitate low Retail prices to match wholesale

GRANTS for Battery Electric Cars, boost Economy+Car industry

VERTICAL Bifacial PV has multiple benefits!

V2G Vehicle to Grid. Power HOME by electric car at NIGHT!

Solar Farms supplement Rooftop PV in Victoria.

Invest in your own Rooftop Solar power station

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